80 Sherbourne St @ Adelaide, Toronto

Hips and Hamstrings


Today in Susan's Hip and hamstring class we spent time understanding how the tailbone drops and is actively drawn in towards the spine. This opens the lower back with a deep release as the tail

Hips and Hamstrings2018-02-27T05:27:09-05:00

Meditation Mondays- find your bliss


Meditation is like a luxurious massage, but for your mind and spirit. And this half hour session every Monday evening only costs $10. Treat yourself to a simple luxury that will have lasting effects on

Meditation Mondays- find your bliss2018-02-27T05:25:08-05:00

Sun Salutation A with Kristina


Happy Sunday Yogi's and Yogini's! Follow Kristina through a Sun Salutation A to conjure up your energy for the day! Do as many flows as desired and at the end think of three things you

Sun Salutation A with Kristina2018-02-27T05:24:46-05:00

10 tips to improve your home on a tight budget


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and

10 tips to improve your home on a tight budget2018-02-27T05:19:15-05:00

Restorative Yoga for the Holidays


Feeling overwhelmed by holiday stress? This great article by Dana Meltzer Zepeda from Yoga Journal gives four restorative yoga poses to help melt away those worries! Lock the door to your in-laws basement and give yourself a

Restorative Yoga for the Holidays2018-02-27T05:17:06-05:00

How the Grinch Found Yoga, on Elephant Journal


Thanks to Lyn Gerfin Kehoe of Elephant Journal for this sweet, tongue-in-cheek retelling of the classic Christmas story. We especially love the Grinch's realisation that: “Maybe yoga,” he thought, “doesn’t come from a pose.” “Maybe

How the Grinch Found Yoga, on Elephant Journal2018-02-27T05:16:45-05:00

Meet a Yoga Teacher: Tanya!


Hello everyone! Meet Tanya. Tanya has been teaching here at the Yoga Lounge since summer 2014. She teaches a challenging HOT Power Flow class at 4:30pm every Sunday. Her class will coordinate movement and breath for

Meet a Yoga Teacher: Tanya!2018-02-27T05:15:38-05:00

Meet a Yoga Teacher: Katrine Maroukis


Katrine teaches a beginner's Hatha class on Sundays, from 6:00-7:15pm. Expect an emphasis on proper alignment, and step by step instruction of yoga fundamentals. Not just for people who are new to yoga, this class

Meet a Yoga Teacher: Katrine Maroukis2018-02-27T05:13:54-05:00
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