self-conscious-250x183I remember taking my first yoga class. I weighed in at 260 lbs and the class was held in a gym. Everyone around me weighed at least 100 lbs less than me and looked like they “belonged”. I know I didn’t feel as though I did.
Luckily, something stuck for me. I kept at it.  I ignored those voices that said “you don’t belong” – just long enough to keep taking classes. And things got easier for me over time. Poses came more readily and I started to learn what worked for my shape. In those early days, yoga taught me that I was stronger than I realized – body, mind, and spirit.
So…if you ever have that voice that says “I’m not -fill in the blank- enough for yoga”…don’t listen. Try different teachers with different styles. Be patient and loving and compassionate with yourself. If something doesn’t feel right for you, don’t do it. If you need a modification, ask for it or invent it!
Yoga is for every body. Every body type has poses that are easy and those that are difficult. Trust your inner voice when you are on your mat and you’ll experience the juiciness that your practice will bring to your life!
– Written by a Beloved Yoga Lounge Teacher,
Thank you for sharing!