As tiring as it may get sometimes, the great benefit of working 9 to 5 is the opportunity to incorporate personal routine into a structured day. Your schedule may not be as flexible as you would like, but it is predictable! And that means you are aware of your windows for practice, no matter how small they may be. If you want something done, ask a busy person to do it, right?

Busy careers, in any field, make us more aware of our ‘down time’. This is an opportunity for us to manage that time to get the most out of it, and make it the most beneficial to us.

The downside to a busy career, is that work and possibly the commute associated with work, takes up such a large portion of each day. The following suggestions may help you to squeeze a perfect practice into your day.

Stchair_yoga-twistart of Your Day
Wake early! Especially now in the beautiful summer light, try to get up between 5 and 7 am. This leaves enough time for hot water or a clean tea before some deep breathing and asanas. Focus on the postures you learnt in class, and commit to just a few. Even if it is as you are waiting for the shower to warm up! If your commute requires you to wake early anyways, try to practice the breathing techniques taught in class on your drive or ride.

Mid Morning
Try to wait at least three hours before eating, after waking up. Digestive strength increases after a little light activity in the morning. Each night as you sleep, your body is able to slow down and focus on repair and regeneration rather than digestion. Try to let the body stay in this state for th first hours of the morning, extending the ‘fast’.

Aim to take a lunch break. Not always possible, I know. On the days it can be managed, try to commit to 5 minutes of silence while eating, or immediately before. This will allow you to process your work load from the morning and centre yourself for the remainder of the day.

Try to work one of our evening classes into your commute home. When you are settled into your house, try to spend at least ten minutes in silence before turning in completely. Build your willpower against the constant distraction of TV or computer, or even excessive time talking. Try into get into bed before 1130pm will allow you to stay committed to your daily practice for tomorrow.

Revisiting your daily schedule  an utilize your time even better. We must always try to make time for our body, mind and spiritual health!